Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Affirmative Action: a Losing Battle Essay

1.Yes. Affirmative action is aimed at addressing the imbalances of the past. It is sanctioned and required by the constitutional requirement to achieve substantive or real equality. There is a moral imperative on all South Africans to work towards the achievement of a more equitable society. Racial discrimination, in contrast, has no rational and objective premise and simply appeals to the basest of human instincts. It is in the best interests of society to promote the general well-being of as many of its citizens as possible. A healthy, well-educated, well-adjusted citizen contributes to both the wealth and the stability of the society. 2.The United States of America used Affirmative Action to promote racial preference through the implementation of various acts from 1862 to 1930 to address the issues of inequality. 3.South Africa is a country with a huge imbalance between the rich and poor created by the previous apartheid and racial laws to discriminate against Blacks, Coloureds and Indians in education and employment opportunities. In order to balance these inequalities, the South African government had to implement Affirmative Action policies like Employment Equity Act, for example, to address the huge gap created in employment opportunities. The policy is justifiable in that it is aimed at creating a just and equitable society. On moral grounds, the government of this country has a responsibility to make a good-faith effort to remedy the effects of past discrimination. 4.For as long as these inequalities exist, the policy cannot be discontinued because of the legacy that existed for a long time. It will take a long time before the different racial groups could fully participate in all areas of the economy. 5.This question is not clear†¦. Please check with facilitator. SECTION B: PARAGRAPHS 1.Cultivating equal opportunity society has helped countries such as South Africa and America to move forward. Yes. The cultivating an equal opportunity society have helped country such as South Africa move bit forward since the Government policies have design to address the often interrelated problem of inequality, poverty and unemployment. Government initiatives on equal opportunity society have included the growth employment and redistribution programme, the reconstruction and development programme, the broad-based black economic employment policy and the land reform strategy. The fiscal policy leg of economic policy becomes increasingly important when government aims to address the problem of inequality by trying to redistribute gains from economic growth. One of the policies that the government has implemented quite successfully is the provision of social grant and it has serve as a main source of income for aged and disabled people. Equal opportunities in South Africa is a pressing concern, it has a complex relationship with economic growth, poverty and race though South Africa economy is witnessing a positive growth and poverty is showing a declining trend surely equal opportunities for has shown change in South Africa. After the equal opportunities society has been put in place has given every person freedom, secure and equal where every one has to improve the quality of his life and pursue their dreams and in which every language and culture has equal respect and recognition. South Africa became one nation with one future, living together under the constitution in peace, security and prosperity with opportunities and recognition for the entire rainbow nation after the implementation of equal opportunities society. And also United States America society has became both more and less equal in recent decades; following the civil rights revolution of the 1950’s and 1960’s racial segregation and exclusion were no longer legal or†¦

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My aunt Gertrude is a rare gem.

My aunt Gertrude is a rare gem. She remains unmarried till this day, and has no desire to do so even though she is exiting the prime of her life in a few months’ time. I asked her once whether she ever contemplated being alone during her twilight years, without the comforting companionship of a husband or the dutiful doting by her children.She looked straight at me in a gaze that at once appeared as if she was reaching deep into the recesses of her being.She spoke in a barely audible whisper that she once had such a dream as I mentioned, but no longer. I was gripped with a curiosity that was tinged with a certain sadness, as I detected that within her voice and readily embraced it as my own in empathy and identification with this woman whom I love.She started tearing, and continued slowly the sad poetry that had haunted her for the past decade. When she was younger, just out of college, my aunt was engaged to a gentleman from Chicago, by the name of Mollier. He was a dealer in antiques, and had a thriving business by the time he became acquainted with my aunt Gertrude.They were a loving couple, always together, engaged in frequent intimate conversations and shared many common interests and tender moments. He was the man that my aunt was destined to marry, and to love and hold till eternity.Alas, one evening as he was making the trip home from California, he ran into a road accident and was tragically killed. My aunt did not receive the call from the coroners till a day later, after they had verified his identity and checked through their databases. Her life there and then was thrown into disarray.She left her newly-begun job, and hid in her parents’ home for the next five years. She had to learn how to live again. As she conveyed these to me, it was not her who sobbed and cried. It was me, one still young and too tender to know just what it meant and how she must have felt.She told me the pain that she carried within her heart, and how that very m oment she had died to her own ambitions, plans, and sensitivity.Her life as she knew it, was over. She had died with him. I learned from her that day what courage meant, and how with silent purpose and prayer, one can emerge from a forest of lost dreams and darkened hope still intact, at least in person. I also learned just how great love can really be, and what lovers go through each time their love disappears, even for a moment on an errand.Aunt Gertrude will never marry. She will live out the rest of her days as a spinster, having come so close to living her life with the man she truly loved and losing it all at once.She will still go about her days bustling about in a cheery manner, loving her nephews and nieces, tending to their moments of despair and immature concerns. She now lives outside herself; a woman constantly challenging herself to focus her love on others in order not to drown in the despair of her own unfulfilled love. She is a beacon of light and hope to us all in the family, and she is what makes us strong and secure.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Bhavesh.Amin Essay CSC 4810-Artificial Intelligence ASSG# 4 Support Vector MachineSVM is an implementation of Support Vector Machine (SVM). SupportVector Machine was developed by Vapnik. The main futures of the programare the following: for the problem of pattern recognition, for the problemof regression, for the problem of learning a ranking function. Underlyingthe success of SVM are mathematical foundations of statistical learningtheory. Rather than minimizing the training error, SVMs minimizestructural risk which express and upper bound on generalization error. SVM are popular because they usually achieve good error rates and canhandle unusual types of data like text, graphs, and images. SVMs leading idea is to classify the input data separating themwithin a decision threshold lying far from the two classes and scoring alow number of errors. SVMs are used for pattern recognition. Basically,a data set is used to train a particular machine. This machine can learnmore by retraining it with the old data plus the new data. The trainedmachine is as unique as the data that was used to train it and thealgorithm that was used to process the data. Once a machine is trained, itcan be used to predict how closely a new data set matches the trainedmachine. In other words, Support Vector Machines are used for patternrecognition. SVM uses the following equation to trained the VectorMachine: H(x) = sign {wx + b}Wherew = weight vectorb = thresholdThe generalization abilities of SVMs and other classifiers differsignificantly especially when the number of training data is small. Thismeans that if some mechanism to maximize margins of decision boundaries isintroduced to non-SVM type clas sifiers, their performance degradation willbe prevented when the class overlap is scarce or non-existent. In theoriginal SVM, the n-class classification problem is converted into n two-class problems, and in the ith two-class problem we determine the optimaldecision function that separates class i from the remaining classes. Inclassification, if one of the n decision functions classifies an unknowndatum into a definite class, it is classified into that class. In thisformulation, if more than one decision function classifies a datum intodefinite classes, or no decision functions classify the datum into adefinite class, the datum is unclassifiable. To resolve unclassifiable regions for SVMswe discuss four types ofSVMs: one against all SVMs; pairwise SVMs; ECOC (Error Correction OutputCode) SVMs; all at once SVMs; and their variants. Another problem of SVMis slow training. Since SVM are trained by a solving quadratic programmingproblem with number of variables equals to the number of training data,training is slow for a large number of training data. We discuss trainingof Sims by decomposition techniques combined with a steepest ascent method. Support Vector Machine algorithm also plays big role in internetindustry. For example, the Internet is huge, made of billions of documentsthat are growing exponentially every year. However, a problem exists intrying to find a piece of information amongst the billions of growingdocuments. Current search engines scan for key words in the documentprovided by the user in a search query. Some search engines such as Googleeven go as far as to offer page rankings by users who have previouslyvisited the page. This relies on other people ranking the page accordingto their needs. Even though these techniques help millions of users a dayretrieve their information, it is not even close to being an exact science. The problem lies in finding web pages based on your search query thatactually contain the information you are looking for. READ: Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Probl EssayHere is the figure of SVM algorithm:It is important to understand the mechanism behind the SVM. The SVMimplement the Bayes rule in interesting way. Instead of estimating P(x) itestimates sign P(x)-1/2. This is advantage when our goal is binaryclassification with minimal excepted misclassification rate. However, thisalso means that in some other situation the SVM needs to be modified andshould not be used as is. In conclusion, Support Vector Machine support lots of real worldapplications such as text categorization, hand-written characterrecognition, image classification, bioinformatics, etc. Their firstintroduction in early 1990s lead to a recent explosion of applications anddeepening theoretical analysis that was now established Support VectorMachines along with neural networks as one of standard tools for machinelearning and data mining. There is a big use of Support Vector Machine inMedical Field. Reference:Boser, B., Guyon, I and Vapnik, V.N.(1992). A training algorithm foroptimal margin classifiers.

Academic English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Academic English - Essay Example The different areas of recognition that came from the child labor movement have proven that there are no circumstances in which child labor is an acceptable cause. Since it moves against the child’s natural physical and mental development, it is a detriment to the child to be forced to move into a labor situation and to not have the needs of a child that is growing in society. There are several companies that find it acceptable to use child labor, specifically because of the surrounding circumstances and economy. For most, this leads to a different level of reinforcement that provides the economy with more manufactured goods. More importantly, adults that aren’t able to work are able to allow their children to work under certain circumstances to support the family and the needs that are a part of the household. The main reason why child labor is continuously used is to help a family to move out of poverty and to better the circumstances in which the family is living in. More importantly, some countries have established roles with children that are based specifically on roles that the children should hold. Traditional ideals of the women’s role in society, implications of what the child is to do after they have gone through school and educational factors all influence the decision of the family to move a child into the labor force as opposed to helping them to go through the extra schooling that is required for the betterment of their cognitive development (Siddiqi, Patrinos, 2004). The several reasons behind child labor expand into the need for survival which is depicted by the family and those that are in the surrounding environment. In many countries, the concept of schooling and cognitive development is considered as secondary and isn’t as pertinent to the economic needs that are within the household. The traditional role of the household sees the aspect of child labor as one that is expected and which is a part of the upbringing of a child.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Report - Essay Example The council shall take important steps to promote business in these areas. Overdependence of a particular place on a given industry may prove to be harmful, as it might become unprofitable in the longer run, because of too many businesses in the same field. Also, this may also result in huge demand for infrastructural facilities in the Local Village area. The number of employees in small businesses range from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 45. The mean number of employees hired by small businesses is 12 employees per business. Majority of the businesses in the council area hire 8 or 9 employees, of which 8 will be called the mode. The total number of employees hired by small businesses who responded is 1161. The median for the number of employees hired by small businesses in the area comes out to be 10. Mean is affected by outliers (Wisegeek, 2009), such as 45. In fact 75% of the companies hire less than 13 employees. Median suggests that half of the small businesses hire 10 employees. Since the mean is greater than the median, it implies that the distribution of the number of employees is positively skewed to the right (Sable, 1998). The council shall encourage locals to setup businesses by providing them tax schemes, schemes, and facilitate availability of business locations. Setting of special economic zones may be a useful step in that direction. As can be seen from the frequency distribution of the constraints responses, 40% of the owners said that they faced no constraints indicating that the council is doing a good job in helping small businesses. Some areas where council can improve is the availability of skilled labor force by setting up of educational and training institutes, and parking space. The pie chart below shows the percentage of constraints as faced by the business owners in Stapleton Borough: When asked if businesses have plans to relocate, majority (54%) said that they do not have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sensory Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sensory Evaluation - Essay Example (Gatchalian , 1975) Difference - The easiest to conduct and analyze. The method involves the presentation of a set of samples one at a time, in equally spaced intervals. Only one stimulus is being evaluated at any one time. A single sample is presented at a time but evaluation is passed on several samples which are successfully presented. Evaluation is based largely on pre-established "memory standards".(Pangborn, 1967) The first sample to be evaluated, coded "A" is the standard. The preceding samples will be identified whether it is same as sample coded "A" or "Not A" while memory is relied upon acquaintance with the "standard" would reduce the wide time elapsed needed for recall. This method can be used by expert tasters or consumers for product acceptance tests. This test is utilized in conditions where products of heterogeneous properties are to be compared for one homogeneous quality, e.g. products are different in all aspects except flaws. This test is used for product development, product compar ison and storage stability. Paired or Two-Sample Test Method - Two samples are presented at any one point for evaluation. Samples in pairs presented successively for evaluation. The panelists are asked if they find a "difference" or "no difference" between the pair of samples presented. Analysis of the results will establish if a difference exists between samples. If there is a difference, further tests could be done to establish the extent of the difference. This test can be used in the panel selection and in regular monitoring of the panel sensitivity. This test is used for product development and evaluation and product comparison. This test can also be used in the determination of the threshold difference. Duo-Trio Test - This method is a modification of the two sample and triangle tests, or a combination of single sample and paired comparison tests. Three samples are used, two of which are alike as in the triangle test. However, in this test, the control/reference sample is made known to the panelist and he is then asked to pick the sample similar to the control/reference. This test is used for difference tests needed in quality control to determine variations between batches of production; stored and fresh products and for product improvement and development studies. The Triangle Test - This method utilizes three samples at any one time with two of the samples being identical and the third different. The latter is the unknown. This test is used mainly for product development and improvement and quality control. This is used in storage studies and product improvement activities. This test can also be used for panel selection and training purposes and in instrument correlation. Category or Descriptive Sensory Test Hedonic Scale method is a measure of acceptability gauged from consumer reaction in terms of their degree of like or dislike for a given product under a given set of conditions. The evaluators' reactions are indicated by descriptive words on a scale. This test is used to detect small differences in the degree of liking for similar foods and to detect gross differences even when time, subject and test conditions are allowed to vary. (Amerine, et. al., 1965) Ranking for Preference or Consumer-Type Test - In this method, different samples are usually presented for preference judgment to untrained panels. This test is used

Friday, July 26, 2019

Admin Law Question 1 + 2 (750-750 words) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Admin Law Question 1 + 2 (750-750 words) - Essay Example By s1 of the 1967 Act he is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the PM and holds office until the age of 65. Especially in relation to JR, the procedural requirements of public law element, leave, locus standi, time limits and grounds often deny speedy redress to the applicant. Matters such as delay, incompetence, stupidity, loss of documents, rudeness etc cannot be the subject to the JR. But, these fall within PCA’s jurisdiction. Disadvantage: the MPs check the legitimacy of complaints and it is called MP Filter. If a MP is the main culprit, claimants never get redress. In this sense MP enjoy more power. At the same time each year lots of letter of complain arises which not possible to review for an ombudsman. The most important factor to mention is the ombudsman will not investigate complaints where an alternate remedy exists. Ombudsmans powers of investigation are limited, for example-maladministration. 3) The PCA has had an impact on certain more High profile cases such as ‘Sachsendhausen’ case where the PCA found maladministration in distributing compensation. A recent example is the ‘Barlow Clowes Affair’. Jurisdiction: The 1967 Act should be amended to provide that the PCA could investigate all complaints other than those relating to matters specifically excluded. However, the govt. rejected this proposal. However MPs have some great advantages as redressers of grievances. Their services are free and easily accessible; many MPs take great pains to advertise their surgery times and other means of contract in the local media. Most are assiduous in taking up grievances, and often the mere fact of receiving a letter from an MP, rather than from an ordinary citizen, will induce the authority to give a favorable response. Further, the Mp’s services are equally useful whether the constituent is asking for the correction of an error or the more favorable exercise of discretion, where no legal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Outsourcing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Outsourcing - Research Paper Example Outsourcing has turned out to be a key business aspect, providing many firms with the chance of hiring an outside firm, to help in the completion of their production processes, and a well reduced cost but high productivity rate. The decision to undertake outsourcing is a sign of future increase in profits.A number of factors have become considered before a firm can decide whether outsourcing is the right path for the firm to take. To many organizations the objective of outsourcing is to improve the company’s financial competitiveness, majorly through reduction of costs. The author argues that, companies that specialize in various support functions work cheaper since they benefit from various scale of economies, use the latest technology and expert knowledge. A number of organizations make the decisions outsource mainly since they want to try and focus on their key competencies, and check minimal value in creating in house processes out of these main competencies. Human resourc e outsourcing helps in reducing the overall work load of the present Human Resource staff. According to him, this gives the firm an opportunity to focus on its strategic decision making process, and development of the major competencies. Outsourcing HR processes can provide managers with an opportunity to pay close attention to their main businesses, instead of spending their valuable time on different HR processes, which are constantly turning out to be complex and more advanced. HRO reduces attrition; losing an indispensable employee can cost the management tens if not hundreds of thousands. In The United States alone, the annual cost of an employer turnover is close to $5

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why you want to be a teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why you want to be a teacher - Essay Example For the rest, they simply want to get employed and follow whatever opportunities maybe presented to them. In my case, I want to be a teacher or an educator. Why is this so? Because as Henry Brooks Adams said â€Å"A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops†. I deeply believe what this man says for I have witnessed through the lives of others how much influence a teacher can wield to his students. I want to become a teacher because I want to inspire my future students. Nowadays, we often see a large majority of students losing interest in their academic obligations such as doing their homework. They are more likely to engage in watching television or playing console or PC games. In case they spend time doing some homework, it is often done as a burden that has to be accomplished. I want to become a teacher because I want to bring back the enthusiasm in learning. Students must be inspired to search for knowledge because life is a very interesting jou rney. In the field of sciences, teachers can inspire students to become researchers or scientists that can develop solutions to mankind’s problems. If I become a teacher, I would motivate my students to study because they can make a contribution to the world. A teacher always goes through the never-ending process of learning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Workplace Violence. Demonstrations of temper that impact work Research Paper

Workplace Violence. Demonstrations of temper that impact work performance and general well-being within the hospital workplace - Research Paper Example Other members of the surgical team, primarily the scrub tech, was observably upset by the actions and lack of restraint shown by Dr. X in regard to his emotional state. Upon approaching the Director in regard to this behavior, it was revealed that this form of violence was common for Dr. X and the hospital has been allowing the behavior to continue without intervention. The Director made the comment â€Å"Oh, that is common behavior for Dr. X. We just ignore it and Dr. X will forget all about it by tomorrow†, which indicates that the issue is centered on how Dr. X feels about the event rather than on how the rest of the staff is affected by his actions. Purpose The purpose of this report is to explore the ways in which this type of incident can be avoided in the future, both in direct relation to Dr. X and in relation to the behaviors and reactions of the entire staff. Guidelines about what is and what is not permitted where behavior and emotions are concerned will help to out line how this type of incident can be avoided in the future.... The staff is affected by the impact of that unpredictability and has no stable ground on which to determine the appropriate procedures from which to continue working. As well, the intended target of the anger is left emotionally affected, thus their work can be undermined. The care of the patient is then compromised due to the shift in focus from the medical situation to self-protection in an environment that has become hostile. This puts the patient in harms way as their care is compromised and the outcome of their care is put into jeopardy. Additionally, the event of a medical instrument being thrown across a room has the potential of creating damage or injury, thus creating the potential for legal liability. The potential costs of a hostile work environment are relevant on many levels. The first potential cost can be financially crippling as litigation from an employee who has experienced an inappropriate event or series of events can sue the hospital for having had no prevention, response, or intercession between the employee and the doctor who has behaved in this manner. A hostile workplace can be defined as â€Å"Conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment† (Colaprete, 2007, p. 182). From the result of Harris v. Forklift Systems Inc, the decision that was made by the Supreme Court extended responsibility for actions that do not necessarily create psychological injury, but also to those events that are â€Å"severe or pervasive (enough) to alter the conditions of the victims employment and create an abusive work environment† (Colaprete, 2007, p. 182). It would be reasonable to assess the event in question as having the potential for

Citation and Organizational Structure Essay Example for Free

Citation and Organizational Structure Essay Many Americans have questioned whether fighting a full-scale war against China or a war of containment was the best policy for fighting the Korean War. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research how Truman and MacArthur differed over strategy in fighting the Korean War. After analyzing each position, determine whether Truman or MacArthur had the best strategy. In an essay of approximately 350-400 words: †¢ State why you believe Truman or MacArthur had the best strategy in fighting the Korean War. †¢ Give your reasons and arguments for the position you have chosen and make your arguments as convincing as possible. Does it appear to you that either strategy is based upon biblical principles? In what way and which principles are given expression by the policy or strategy? __________________ Remember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling when typing your essay. Remember, all projects must follow the Academys guidelines concerning plagiarism and MLA formatting for the citation of sources. Source citation will be graded based on the following: †¢ Did the student include parenthetical citations with in the body of his/her report any time he/she summarized or quoted a source? Are the parenthetical citations in proper format (MLA)? †¢ Is the works cited page in proper format (MLA)? Because it is very important to avoid even unintentional copying, any project submitted without a works cited page (when one is necessary) will be returned to you in order for you to add it. You will then need to resubmit the project for grading after you have added the works cited page. You can refer to the Academy’s document on MLA format, found on the Academy’s online resource center www. aoacademy. com/resources, for additional assistance. Notice Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for any Academy project and may not be used. Contributors to Wikipedia sometimes plagiarize other sources or submit erroneous information. Be sure to use primary sources and cite your sources in accepted MLA (Modern Language Association) format. Go to â€Å"Citing Sources† in our online Resource Center for help. Projects will be graded according to a rubric which measures six important traits essential to good writing. Your teacher will use the rubric below to score aspects of each trait giving a best score of 5, or a lowest score of 1, or something in between. Once your teacher has scored each trait he/she will convert rubric scores to the Academy grade scale. Please study the chart below so to understand how to improve your writing and your project scores. Six Traits + 1 Rubric |Trait |5 |3 |1 | |Ideas: The main message of the |This paper is clear and focused. It |The writer is beginning to define |The paper has no clear sense of | |piece, the topic, with supporting |holds the reader’s attention. the topic, even though development |purpose or central theme. The | |details that enrich and develop that|Relevant anecdotes and details enrich|is still basic or general. |reader must make inferences based | |topic. |the central theme. | |on sketchy or missing details. | | | | | | | |1. The paper is on the topic |1. The writer strays off topic |1. The writer has not written on | | |assigned, or one of the options, and |2. Support with details is |the assigned topic or options | | |focused. |attempted. |given. | | |2. Relevant, quality details go |3. Writer has difficulty going from|2. Information is unclear or the | | |beyond the obvious. |general observations about the |length is not adequate for | | |3. Writing from knowledge or |topic to specifics. |development. | | |experience; ideas are fresh and |4. The reader is left with |3. Simply a restatement of the | | |original. |questions. |instructions. | | |4. Reader’s questions are anticipated| |4. The writing may be dis- | | |and answered. |connected, repetitious, and include| | | | |random thoughts. | | | | |Student did not comply to teacher | | | | |request for changes. | |Organization: The internal |The organizational structure of this |The organizational structure is The writing lacks a clear sense of | |structure, thread of central |paper enhances and showcases the |strong enough to move the reader |direction | |meaning, logical, and sometimes |central idea or theme of the paper. |through the text without too much | | |intriguing pattern or sequence of | |confusion. |1. No real lead or conclusion | |ideas. |1. An introduction draws the reader | |present. | | |in; a conclusion leaves the reader |1. The paper has a recognizable |2. Connections between ideas, if | | |with a sense of closure and |introduction and conclusion. |present, are confusing. | | |resolution. |2. Transitions sometimes work. |3. Sequencing needs work. | | |2. Thoughtful transitions connect |3. Sequencing shows some logic, yet|4. Problems with organizational | | |ideas. |structure takes attention away from|structure make it hard for the | | |3. Sequencing is logical and |the content. |reader to get a grip on the main | | |effective. |4. Organizational structure |point or story line. Little or no | | |4. Organizational structure is |sometimes supports the main point |evidence of paragraphing present. | | |appropriate for purpose/audience; |or story line, with an attempt at |Student did not comply to teacher | | |paragraphing is effective. |paragraphing. request for changes. | |Voice: The unique perspective of the|The writer of this paper speaks |The writer seems sincere, but not |The writer seems uninvolved with | |writer evident in the piece; or |directly to the reader in a manner |fully engaged or involved. The |the topic, disinterested in the | |sustained use of the voice or |that is individual, engaging, and |result is passable, but not well |audience, and oblivious of the | |perspective called for in the |respectful for the audience. |focused on the audience. |instructions. | |instructions. | | | | |1. Purpose is reflec ted by content |1. Attempts to include content and |1. Purpose is unclear. | | |and arrangement of ideas. |arrangement of ideas to reflect |2. Expository or persuasive writing| | |2. Expository or persuasive writing |purpose. |is mechanical, showing no | | |reflects understanding and commitment|2. Expository or persuasive writing|engagement with the topic. | |to topic. |lacks consistent engagement with |3. Narrative writing lacks | | |3. Narrative writing is honest, |topic. |development of a point of view. | | |personal, and engaging. |3. Narrative writing reflects |. 4. Made no attempt to write from | | |4. Clearly the voice asked for in the|limited individual perspective. |the assigned perspective or voice. | | |instructions, e. g. biblical |4. Made an attempt to adopt the |Student did not comply to teacher | | |character, historical character, |voice asked for in the instructions|request for changes | | |reporter on assignment. |but did not sustain it. | | |Word Choice: The use of rich, |Words convey the intended message in |The language is functional, even if|The writer struggles with a limited| |colorful, and precise language that |a precise, interesting, and natural |it lacks much energy. |vocabulary. |moves and enlightens the reader. |way. | | | | | | | | | |1. Words are specific and accurate. |1. Words are adequate and correct |1. Words are nonspecific or | | |2. Natural, effective, and |in a general sense. |distracting. | | |appropriate language. |2. Familiar words and phrases |2. Many of the words don’t work. | | |3. Lively verbs, specific nouns, and |communicate. |3. Limited vocabulary, misuse of | | |modifiers. |3. Passive verbs, everyday nouns, |parts of speech. | | |4. Language enhances and clarifies |mundane modifiers. |4. Language is unimaginative and | | |meaning. |4. Language functions, with one or |lifeless, redundancy. | | | |two fine moments. Student did not comply to teacher | | | | |request for changes. | |Sentence Fluency: The flow of the |The writing has an easy flow, rhythm,|The text usually hums along with a |The reader has to practice quite a | |language, the way in which the |and cadence. Sentences are |steady beat, but has sections which|bit in order to give this paper a | |writing plays to the ear, not just |well-constructed. |throw off the reader. |fair interpretive reading. | |the eye. | | | | | |1. Sentences get the job done in a |1. Sentences are choppy, | | |1. Sentences enhance the meaning. |routine fashion. |incomplete, ramb ling, or awkward. | | |2. Sentences vary in length as well |2. Sentences are usually of similar|Phrasing does not sound natural. | | |as structure. |length, yet constructed correctly. 2. No â€Å"sentence sense† is present. | | |3. Purposeful and varied sentence |3. Sentence beginnings are somewhat|3. Sentences begin the same way. | | |beginnings. |varied. |4. Endless connectives, if any | | |4. Creative and appropriate |4. The reader sometimes has to hunt|present. | | |connectives. |for connective clues. |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | |request for changes. |Conventions: The mechanical |The writer demonstrates a good grasp |The writer shows reasonable control|Errors in spelling, punctuation, | |correctness of the piece; spelling, |of standard writing conventions |over a limited range of standard |capitalization, usage, and grammar | |punctuation, capitalization, grammar|(e. g. , spelling, punctuation, |writing conventions. |and/or paragraphing repeatedly | |usage , and paragraphing. |capitalization, grammar usage, | |distract the reader and make text | | |paragraphing). 1. Spelling is usually correct or |difficult to read. | | | |reasonably phonetic. | | | |1. Spelling is generally correct. |2. End punctuation is usually |1. Spelling errors are frequent. | | |2. Punctuation is accurate. |correct. |2. Punctuation is missing or | | |3. Capitalization skills are present. |3. Most capitalized words are |incorrect. | |4. Grammar and usage are correct. |correct. |3. Capitalization is random. | | |5. Paragraphing tends to be sound. |4. Problems with grammar and usage |4. Obvious grammar or usage errors. | | | |are not serious. |5. Paragraphing is missing. | | | |5. Paragraphing is attempted. |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | request for changes. | |Presentation: |The project is clean, has all |May be some problems in the |Errors in formatting create a | |The look of the paper, proper use of|directions included, and MLA format |formatting. |confusing paper that distracts the | |MLA formatting when necessary, |was used correctly if needed. | |reader. | |correct titling and inclusion of | |1. Project directions are included,| | |project instructions |1. Project directions precede the |but not placed correctly. |1. Project directions are missing | | |project. |2. There are some problems with |or incomplete. | | |2. Spacing is uniform and font is |font or spacing. |2. Spacing and font are not | | |Times New Roman or Arial 12 point. |3. For multimedia, the visuals are |standard. | | |3. In a multimedia project, uses of |somewhat unclear or distracting. |3. Visuals in a multimedia project | | |visuals are integrated without |4. In those projects for which |are confusing and substandard. | | |distraction. |outside sources were used, MLA |4. Works cited page and/or | | |4. Correctly formatted citations and |formatting is mostly correct. There|parenthetical citations for those | | |works cited when outside sources were|may be some components missing or |projects where necessary are | | |used. improperly formatted. |missing or incorrect. | | | | |Student did not comply with teacher| | | | |request for changes. | *0 – Not a valid attempt. Student did not make the changes recommended by the teacher. _______________ Paste the document you created and saved on your word processor below:

Monday, July 22, 2019

The biases in testing Essay Example for Free

The biases in testing Essay Many examples can be given for the biases in testing based on culture. Cultural biases have been in testing as long as testing has been around, whether intentional or not. With each passing year, however, it seems that cultural bias is more examined and those who create the tests are using stricter guidelines to insure that the tests they create are not biased towards one student more than another. For example, in New York City, students were given a question asking, â€Å"what were ways the British improved the lives of Africans? † it was prefaced with a passage from 1922 stating â€Å"We are endeavoring [trying] to teach the native races to conduct their own affairs with justice and humanity, and to educate them alike in letters and in industry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This testing question has a clear cultural bias and shows â€Å"outright racism† according to one parents group (Rammohan, 2007). It’s ridiculous that questions like this are still showing up in standardized testing at all. Although, imperialism should be taught, it could have been presented in a less biased way. Jay Rosner in On White Preference from The Nation states another example of bias towards white students over others, â€Å"On the October 1998 SAT, for example, every single on of the 138 questions (sixty math and seventy-eight verbal) favored whites over blacks. By favoring whites, I mean that a higher percentage of white than black students answered correctly every question pre-screened and chosen to appear on that SAT†¦SAT forms are designed to very strongly correlate with one another. And the pattern I’ve identified is a predictable result of the way the tests are constructed. Latino test-takers are similarly affected, faring only a bit better than blacks. † Obviously, test takers are being gypped when it comes to standardized testing, and the tests are being biased towards white students. This example of white students performing better on all 138 pre-screened questions gives the indication that the system that is used to screen questions is in and of itself, biased, and therefore, in need of examination. Rosner goes on to give another example of the biases of test creators. On a pre-testing question where minority students actually performed better than white students, the question was thrown out, an obvious example of bias towards white students. Interestingly enough, Rosner’s entire reason for looking into the SAT and other standardized testing questions formulated by the ETS, the Educational Testing Service, was due to the fact that white students had filed a suit against the University of Michigan because they were allowing black students into the college with a lower SAT score and not accepting white students who may have a higher score. While it does not show test bias, it’s an interesting example of how the colleges may be cognizant of testing bias and how they are trying to rectify the discrepancies, i. e. allowing minority students who may have a lower SAT score into the college. As stated by Rosner, there is in fact, a twenty percent gap in performance on standardized testing between white students and minority students, displaying bias on the part of the ETS as their company formulates and screens questions before putting them onto the tests (Rosner, 2003). If they were, in fact, unbiased, why did they not allow the question where black students performed better than white? If they had allowed the question, then maybe we could state that they were at least making an effort towards being unbiased regarding test formulation and administration, unfortunately, all actions point to the contrary. As long as those formulating the tests are using biased criteria, our tests will continue to be biased and white students will continue to perform better than minority students. References Rammohan, Yasmin Tara. (9 May 2007). Advocates say standardized tests often flunk cultural bias scrutiny. Medill Reports Chicago. Retrieved from http://news. medill. northwestern. edu/chicago/news. aspx? id=35935. Rosner, Jay. (27 March 2003). On white preferences. The Nation. Retrieved from http://www. thenation. com/doc/20030414/rosner.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Drug Delivery Systems for Periodontitis

Drug Delivery Systems for Periodontitis 2.0 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 TECHNIQUE Periodontitis, a disease involving supportive structures of the teeth prevails in all groups, ethnicities, races and both genders. It is a localised inflammatory response caused by bacterial infection of a periodontal pocket associated with subgingival plaque. Periodontal diseases include conditions such as chronic periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis and necrotizing periodontitis. Aggressive forms of periodontitis can be localized or generalized. Antibacterial agents have been used effectively in the management of periodontal infection. The effectiveness of mechanical debridement of plaque and repeated topical and systemic administration of antibacterial agents are limited due to the lack of accessibility to periodontopathic organisms in the periodontal pocket. Systemic administration of drugs leads to therapeutic concentrations at the site of infection, but for short periods of time, forcing repeated dosing for longer periods. Local delivery of antimicrobials has been investigat ed for the possibility of overcoming the limitations of conventional therapy. The use of sustained release formulations to deliver antibacterials to the site of infection (periodontal pocket) is gaining interest. These products provide a long-term, effective treatment at the site of infection at much smaller doses. (Kaplish et al. 2013) Formulation and development of a gel based topical dosage form for antimicrobial drug will be proved to be worthwhile like ability to deliver drug more selectively to a specific site, avoidance of gastro-intestinal incompatibility, providing utilization of drugs with short biological half-life, improving physiological and pharmacological response and provide suitability for self medication. (Basavaraj et al. 2012) 2.1.1 Periodontal Local Drug Delivery Goodson et al in 1979 first proposed the concept of controlled delivery in the treatment of periodontitis. The effectiveness of this form of therapy is that, it reaches the base of periodontal pocket and is maintained for an adequate time for the antimicrobial effect to occur. These delivery systems are also called sustained release, controlled-release, prolonged release, timed release, slow release, sustained action, prolonged action or extended action. There are distinct phases in a periodontal treatment plan where a dental practitioner can use this sustained release device. They are as follows: As an adjunct to Scaling and Root planning. Periodontal maintenance therapy: Recurrent periodontitis usually involves only a few teeth. These sites are ideal for the treatment with this device. For whom surgery is not an option or those who refuse surgical treatment Sustained release device is a less invasive treatment option and it requires less time compared to surgical treatment. (Kaplish et al. 2013) Types of local drug delivery devices Sustained released devices These are delivery systems whose action lasts less than 24 hours therefore require multiple applications. It follows the first order kinetics. Controlled delivery devices – These are the devices which follows zero order kinetics and whose actions last longer than 24 hours, thereby decreasing the number applications. (Greenstein et al. 2000) Advantages of local drug delivery system Provides drug in an effective concentration that can be maintained there long enough for the desired effect to be accomplished without causing any side effect. It can attain upto 100 fold higher concentration of an antimicrobial agent in subgingival site compared with a systemic therapy. Broad spectrum antibiotics which cannot be employed systemically because of many sideeffects can be safely employed locally with minimum side effects. Superinfection and drug resistance are rare. It also reduces the risk of developing drug resistant microbial populations at non oral body sites. The potentials of daily drug placement into periodontal pockets as a part of home self care procedure can be performed by a compliant patient. This route may employ antimicrobial agents not suitable for systemic administration such as various broad spectrum antiseptics solutions. e.g.– chlorhexidine Improve the patient compliance. (Slots et al. 1996 and Chadha et al. 2012) Disadvantages of local delivery system Inaccessible and deeper pocket areas, furcations cannot be completely dealt with antimicrobial agents. Time consuming and laborious, if many sites are involved. Non-sustained local delivery is limited by an only brief exposure of targeted microorganisms to applied antimicrobial agent. Connective tissue associated plaque and extra pocket oral surfaces don‘t get affected by local drug delivery which may be responsible for recurrence of disease in treated areas. Difficulty in placing therapeutic concentration of antimicrobial agent into deeper parts of periodontal pockets and furcations lesions. Personal application of antimicrobial agents by patients as a part of their home self-care procedure is frequently compromised by the patient‘s lack of adequate manual dexterity, limited understanding of periodontal anatomy and poor compliance and performance with recommended procedures. (Axelsson 1999) Local drug delivery systems for treating periodontitis Various local drug delivery system for treating periodontitis-Fibers, Film, Injectable systems, Gels, Strips and compacts, Vesicular systems, Microparticle system, Nanoparticle system etc. Injectable drug delivery systems Injectable systems are particularly attractive for the delivery of antibiotic agents into the periodontal pocket. The application can be easily and rapidly carried out, without pain, by using a syringe. Thus, the cost of the therapy is considerably reduced compared to devices that need time to be placed and secured. Moreover, an injectable delivery system should be able to fill the pocket, thus reaching a large proportion of pathogens. Two types of injectable drug delivery systems have been studied in periodontal diseases- biodegradable (1) microparticles and (2) gels. (Kaplish et al. 2013) 1. Microparticles /Microspheres These are controlled release drug delivery system which comprises of drug-containing microparticles or microspheres, between 10 and 500 microns in size, suspended in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier medium, and are capable of maintaining an effective level of drug in the periodontal pocket for a period of one to thirty days. They are spherical free flowing particles consisting of proteins or synthetic polymers. Non-biodegradable as well as biodegradable materials have been investigated for the preparation of microspheres. There are two types of microspheres; a) Microcapsules. b) Micromatrices. In microcapsules entrapped substance is distinctly surrounded by distinct capsule wall and in micromatrices entrapped substance is dispersing throughout the microspheres matrix. Solid biodegradable microspheres incorporating a drug dispersed or dissolved through particle matrix have the potential for the controlled release of drug. They are made from polymeric, waxy, or other protective materials (i.e. biodegradable synthetic polymers and modified natural products). (Chaudhari et al. 2010) Advantages of microspheres Constant and prolonged therapeutic effect. Reduction in dosing frequency and thereby improve the patient compliance. They could be injected into the body due to the spherical shape and smaller size. Better drug utilization will improve the bioavailability and reduce the incidence or intensity of adverse effects. Microsphere morphology allows a controllable variability in degradation and drug release.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Power Struggle in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Essay examples

The Power Struggle in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is a powerful novel about the social changes that occurred when the white man first arrived on the African continent. The novel is based on a conception of humans as self-reflexive beings and a definition of culture as a set of control mechanisms. Things Fall Apart is the story of Okonkwo, an elder, in the Igbo tribe. He is a fairly successful man who earned the respect of the tribal elders. The story of Okonkwo’s fall from a respected member of the tribe to an outcast who dies in disgrace graphically dramatizes the struggle between the altruistic values of Christianity and the lust for power that motivated European colonialism in Africa and undermined the indigenous culture of a nation. Okonkwo's father was laughed at by the villagers, and was considered a failure. However, this was not true of Okonkwo, who lived in a modest home. Okonkwo's prosperity was visible in his household. He had a large compound enclosed by a thick wall of red earth. His own hut, or obi, stood immediately behind the only gate in the red walls. Each of his three wives had their own hut, which together formed a half moon behind the obi. The barn was built against one end of the red walls, and long stacks of yams stood out prosperously in it. Unfortunately, the clash of the cultures that occurs when the white man's missionaries come to Africa in an attempt to convert the tribal members, causes Okonkwo to lash out at the white man and results in his banishment from the tribe. Okonkwo had a bad temper which he often displayed: Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wives, especially the youngest, lived in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children. Perhaps down in his heart Okonkwo was not a cruel man. But his whole life was dominated by fear of failure and of weakness. The cracks within Okonkwo's character are not so much external as internal, manifestations of those aspects of his being that have been his greatest strengths: acting without thinking; never showing any emotion besides anger; inflexibility; fear of being perceived as weak and, therefore, womanly. Slowly, these characteristics that have served Okonkwo so well in the past, begin to alter the direction of his life. The first such incident occurs when Okonkwo accidentally breaks the W... ...s return to Umuofia at the end of his exile when he returns home. The white men send their a messenger to the village. Okonkwo is still enraged about Nwoye's conversion. He sprang to his feet as soon as he saw who it was. He confronted the head messenger, trembling with hate, unable to utter a word. The man was fearless and stood his ground, his four men lined up behind him. â€Å"In a flash Okonkwo drew his machete. . . . Okonkwo’s machete descended twice and the man's head lay beside his uniformed body† (204). In the end it is Okonkwo’s inability to recognize change that forces him to commit suicide. It is the white missionaries’ inability to recognize that the Africans did not wish to change which adds to his demise. The missionaries represent the ruthlessness of the white man in Africa. The native Africans were expected to accept the ways of the white culture, for their own benefit, or suffer the consequences. In this light the missionaries can only be seen as brutal, and anything but true Christians, but rather religious zealots who like Okonkwo wish to force their world view upon others. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor Books, 1959.

The Parasite Called Man Essay -- essays research papers

Erza Pound says that, â€Å"man is the superior animal†. Superior or not, we all have the same basic habits. When humans are scared they seek shelter, when we are hungry we eat, and when is right, we wish to pass on our genes. So how is it that man is so superior when all our instincts and urges are so primitive? Erza Pound is puzzled by why humans are superior. I think the only reason why humans are superior is because of ignorance. Humans are the only animals that don’t come to equilibrium with the environment they live in. If humans had to be compared to a certain type of living thing, they would be most like simple parasitic bacteria.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The earth, however large it may be, has it limits when it comes to natural resources. Of all animals human are the only ones that make non-biodegradable waste. When humans run out of resources in one area they go on to the next destroying the area in their path and until a new site is reached with more resources to abuse. This is much like the life history of flesh eating bacteria. About two years ago, I saw a special on 20/20 about the disease. They say that is moves at about an inch per hour and that they don’t stop feeding on the host until the host is dead. The bacteria multiply at a high rate and can migrate to other parts of the body by the blood stream. Try to look as the host body as the earth, the bacteria as the humans, and the blood stream as the oceans and river; now, anyone can see that this is no diffe...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Road to Valley Forge :: essays research papers

The Road to Valley Forge   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book that I choose to review was The Road to Valley Forge, How Washington Built the Army that Won the Revolutionary War, written by John Buchanan. This is a book that covers the beginning of the revolutionary war in America from the time that George Washington is selected as commander-in-chief of the army, until his army enters winter quarters at Valley Forge. It encompasses the weather conditions that Washington and his army had to endure as well as the scrutiny that Washington always seemed to be under. The scrutiny came from people in congress who believed that the war was going to be quick and wanted a large, decisive battle fought.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Washington took control of the revolutionary army on 2 July 1775. He took over at outside of Boston, before this his experience was limited to wilderness travel and soldiering. His soldiering experiences had been mainly for his home state of Virginia. The first battle that was of significance in this book was the Battle of Long Island. At this battle Washington and the rebel army are soundly defeated by General Sir William Howe and the British army. After this battle was fought Howe did not follow-up the victory with quick action as the Americans retreated. It could be said that if Howe and the British would continued the attack this rebellion could have been put down right away. This will not be the first time that Howe fails to do this, and it will lead to him being replaced later in the war Sir Henry Clinton. Even though his army was thoroughly defeated Washington is able to get his troops off of Long Island back to Manhattan in the middle of the night, this will also not be the last time that Washington is able to get his   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 army out of harms way. The author briefly discusses the troubles at Kip’s Bay and Fort Washington.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next subject that Buchanan goes into is Washington’s retreat through the state of New Jersey. The key part of this retreat is when Washington crosses the Potomac River he collects all boats from both shores of the river. He later uses them to cross the icy Potomac to win the very important Battle of Trenton. The importance of this battle is that raised the morale of the soldiers. After this Howe decides to go into winter quarters.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization LaShell Johnson Lynnette O’Neil Thomas Hernandez University of Phoenix Finance for Business FIN 370 Bruce Fox December 14, 2011 Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Lafleur Trading Company is a private company that has supplied the world with the finest food and wines over 3 dozen trading partners across the planet. Recently, they have decided to expand their operations. Looking at their options, they may expand by acquiring another organization in the same industry, go public through an IPO, or merge with another organization.Below are the pros and cons that may come with each approach. One advantage of being a privately held company is the ability to move quickly without having to obtain approval of shareholders or a board of directors. The owners of a privately held company have a greater interest in the success of the business because of the greater risk the owners face. It would be easier and faster to acquire a compa ny in the same industry. The company would obtain a new customer base and potentially be obtaining new technology that would improve overall operational effectiveness.When an organization decides to expand their business by acquiring another organization in the same industry, there are a few things that need to be considered. An acquisition can be defined as the purchase of one business or company by another company or business entity. One of the strengths of acquiring another company is the fact that they have so many trading partners across a wide range. Lafleur Trading Company only deals with reputable producers and exporters which shows that they are more than capable of handling more responsibility. Their extensive list of products includes seafood, wine, fruit, vegetables, cheese and maple products.If a friendly acquisition occurs, both companies would work together and negotiate the arrangements. Learning more efficient ways for production can also be discovered during the pr ocess of an acquisition. There are weaknesses during this process such as transferring of technologies and capabilities can prove difficult because of acquisition implementation. There is always a risk of losing implicit knowledge during a fast paced acquisition. A lack of adequate record keeping can prove costly and time consuming for the acquiring company. There are always opportunities when a company acquires another.For one, the company can increase supply-chain pricing power by buying out one of its suppliers. This allows a company to eliminate a level of costs. Another opportunity to be had is eliminating competition in order to gain a larger market share in its product’s market. An example of a threat would be a hostile takeover. This is when one company buys another against its will. Employees of the acquired company may feel threatened thus resulting in a lack of communication which may be beneficial to the acquiring firm. Expanding through acquisition also has hidde n risks; there may be potential law suits that are unknown at the time of purchase.If the acquisition is not structured properly, the acquiring company would have to absorb all the potential liabilities. Another way to expand a privately owned company is to undertake an Initial Public Offering, or a sale of stock by a private company to the public. Companies undertaking IPO may request assistance of an Investment Banking firm to help assess the values of their shares. When the company list their shares to the public exchange, the money paid by investors for those shares goes directly to the company.IPO enables a company access to money, provided by investors, which they can use as capital for future growth. Of course there are variables that may or may not benefit the expanding company. One of the benefits of an IPO is the media coverage the business receives. When favorable, the company’s reputation of its products and services attract more investors. The company’s ac tivities will also be reflected in the reports of professional financial analysts. Positive public profile not only support liquidity of the shares, but also becomes a desirable and reliable partner.Banks also become keen on extending loans with lower interest rates (Trust Capital Group, 2003-2011) Going public also provides its challenges. One of the most important challenges is the need for added disclosure for investors. Public companies are also regulated by the Securities Exchange Act in regards to periodic financial reporting’s. These requirements increase legal, accounting and marketing costs. If La Fleur Trading Company would rather not deal with these additional regulations, they may also decide to merge with another organization.The strengths of merging with another organization, for La Fleur Trading Company can be very beneficial for the company, as its definition says merging is the acquisition of another firm, or merging is the result when two firms unite into on e, some of the benefits of emerging with another firm can be economies of scale and a more improved organizational efficiency, it also reduces the staff costs, and general expenses, all this factors have convinced more and more firms to merge with another firm over an IPO.However there might be some weaknesses when merging with another firm, like in every firm there might be some risks to take when making a business, some of the disadvantages of merging with another firm might be, legal expenses, short term opportunity costs, costs and expenses related with the takeover or the merger, potential devaluation of equity and some possible intangible costs that may affect the firms, as a result merging with another firm can be very beneficial or very risky, it may benefit the firms by creating and saving more money for both, or it can be very devastating for both by the much more greater losses that the companies are going to lose with the merging of both firms. In conclusion, we have det ermined that Lafleur Trading Company should choose the route of merging with another organization because of the type of business it is. It would be more feasible to merge with another firm and gain additional trading partners through that process.By going through an acquisition, the company may lose the existing relationships with the trading partners which would be more costly to start over. As a privately held company, there are no concerns with having to obtain approval of shareholders or a board of directors. It would be easier and faster to merge with a company in the same industry. The company would obtain a new customer base and potentially be obtaining new technology that would improve overall operational effectiveness. Reference Trust Capital Group. (2003-2011). IPO Benefits. Retrieved from http://www. trust-capital. com/page. php? id=73&&PHPSESSID=798a964978326d6fb0a20625b21ecca6 Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , & Scott, D. F. (2005). Financial Management: Pr inciples and applications (10th ed. ).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall

In the poem lay of Birmingham, Mr. Randall uses of instalment of puzzle to illustrate the incidents of the begins verdict, and also her concern for the benefit of her beloved new-fangled shaver. It looks peculiar that this kid would even be acquainted with what a freedom work is, but this would be deemed ordinary keep freeing in 1960s, when Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. had meetings and differ surroundes to free the African American inhabitants from inequity and isolation. I feel the yield would be the one who would covet to fine-tune at the march to free her populace, non the infant.In the graduation canto fraction of absurdity is apply so as to make meter reading the poem more mesmerizing. The circumstance in this first stanza is also vital. The trivial child is in a worried site and wants to assist better the lives of the African Americans. The vocalisation is letting the reader to construct an element of visualization of one fussy march in Birmingham. But, you realize plus I, that with serenity processions and gatherings come aggression and resentment. This is truly what the little girls let is panic-struck of this is why she will not sanction her to attend the march.Moreover, one more affair that strikes me as a hilarious element is that her father dresses her daughter in her vanquish attire to go to cathedral with her. The narrators modality explains the reader the delight and joy that the mother obtains in her childs appearance. Something else that is sarcastic transpires in the sixth stanza. The mother smiled to make forbidden that her child was in the holy place, but that gladness was the final smile to appear on her face. This stanza is sardonic because if the mother deems her daughter is going to be in a unutterable place, why would this be the ultimate present moment she would ever smile?First, there is a touch of childishness in the first stanza. The little child tries to perform entire and childlike to her mother, in the case that her mother could allow her to reach to the march. Secondly, there is the intellect of worry for her childs wellbeing. After that, there is the expression of pleasure in the 5th compose and in the first portion of the sixth stanza. Her mother receives satisfaction and joy in getting her offspring ready to go to Minster. She is also cheerful that her darling child is going to church rather than going to the march.But, if you observe, in the 7th stanza that tone of light at once converts to angst and lonesomeness. The mother does not recognize what to accomplish. The mothers tone in the remainder lines of the poem presents the reader a thought of unhappiness and culpability. The term baby the mother exploits connotes the mothers warmth for her missing daughter. I dont know how, but for any explanation her mother thinks that something has happened to her baby, so she jogs through with(predicate) the roads of Birmingham, Alabama calling for her daughter. She make through fragments of glass and brick, and then picked out her childs shoe.From this finding the mother discerns that she has lost her daughter eternally. To sum up, for my part this poem was bright written for the simple truth that Randall is not frightened to brazen out the problems that these ii civilizations had amid them. He portrays things that had happened in this stretch of magazine to convey his point vibrantly to the reader. Works Cited Randall Dudley, Ballad of Birmingham, (1969), on the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963, retrieved on December 7, 2006 from http//www. ctadams. com/dudleyrandall4. hypertext mark-up language

Manage Personal Work Priorities And Professional Development Essay

In this opus I result look at the effect propertys of universe a true(p) purpose copy and stiff attractor and reflect upon how these comp be to my characteristics and qualitys in the map I perform in my spurt as a supervisor. I exit in addendum discuss how I evoke develop as a breach draw, how I manage my responsibilities in the reverseplace and my lord development. A costly persona flummox isnt necessarily a leader, from my recognise nigh of the faithful division stupefys I ca-ca seen trainnt made a honor adequate leader rase though they were truly replete(p) in their previous social occasion. Even if you argon a leader doesnt mean that you atomic do 18 a grave portion determine and I rent seen plenty of those too. A levelheaded role model in the usageplace has credibility, leads by example, has the respect of their colleagues and is much imitated by them.If you search for what coiffes a good role model? on the internet you will nonplus hundreds upon hundreds of sites which give you a publication of identical characteristics depending on the issuing ( intimately sites say between 5 and 10.) You will in want manner find that characteristics of cosmos a good role model ex bleed and apply beyond the expireplace. It is as well important that the good traits, attitudes and behaviours be reproducible to become a good role model. I look at that wizard of the nigh important characteristic of organism a good role model is even discloseting a good example. S come outhern Illinois University, Edwardsville mathematical function Models Defining appointed Role Models, total the hobby characteristics of a good role model- A sense of duty to ladder for the common goodCompassionateCan earn finished ch al iodinenges affiliatedCapacity to achieve goalsPossess high ideals and setCourage and StrengthModels ForgivenessTrus cardinalrthy humblenessPeacefulWiseAdmits when they are wrong real LoveUnderstands the wma w situationNot menti geniusd in this list directly is being bearledgeable and comprehensive and good intercourse (although these are mentioned invariablely in new(prenominal) lists found). To be a good role model in the make waterplace for the employees I make do I payoff up to lead by example. I sine qua non to be aware of the characteristic and traits of a good role model and develop the characteristics I dont possess or need to be developed. To be a good role model for the employees I supervise basic in ally need to lead by example and possess the mass of the characteristics above.For example I put on my excellent communications scientific disciplines I render developed from almost 9 years in policing to not just pass around with the employees I supervise only if actively get wind to them. Only recently I was conducting a condom interaction with an employee and after talking active pencil eraser issues, he trusted me nice to talk to me about some of his ad hominem issues and sought my advice on matter. I am in any case very(prenominal) good at running(a) through challenges and hold my experience and tycoon to think extraneous the box to solve issues that arise. This is a daily overhaulrence in my role as I am in control of an constitutional rail yard and its operations which are very fluid and ever changing. I am very committed to my role and this is registern by my capacity to embolden an other(prenominal)s that require aid. Recently we were short staffed and I functioned out an employee in shunting operations that allowed us to complete the trade union movement and achieve the goals of departing all trains on time.I utilize honest self- verbalism after my dismission to determine whether or not I was a good role model that day and look for elans to mend on my carrying into action. Feedback from staff and even watching them tend during my translation using my ideas or practices excessively show that I am being a good role model. Finally effect reviews with my jitney in addition reflect on whether I am a good role model.The traits of an efficacious leader nurture those of a good role model, to be an effective leader you need to be a good role model. Leadership Getting it done (Rex Campbell, 1997) states the two most important traits of an effective leader is indigence and communication skills. It therefore goes onto describe quaternaryteen other traits that an effective leader is likely to possess, but states that not many leaders will possess all of them well developed but most leaders will birth most of them developed. The fourteen traits are Personality (including interpersonal skills)Persuasive (communication skills)Persistence sedulousnessPerceptiveProbity (Honest and Trustworthy)Praise GivingPositive OrientationPeople basePossible (Realistic) pragmaticProgressivePrepared (Knowledgeable)Power Building7 Traits of Highly Effective Leaders (, Peter Economy, Aug 23 2013), stream grooves the above traits surmount to the ability to inspire action, optimistic, integrity, accompaniment and facilitating your squad, confidence, communication, and decisive. later studying the traits listed I disagree with the trait of being optimistic and believe being terrible-nosed is much important. I withal believe that being creative, level headed, being able to manage scrap and a committed deceaseer are also very important traits.I believe that I possess all the traits mentioned of an effective leader in some capacity with some being more developed than others. I have excellent interpersonal and communication skills that I have developed over nine years of policing that allow me to talk to tidy sum. These ac noesis active listening, implying questions and giving clear labours. For example, even though its partof their melodic line and I put away ask community to perform tasks as it is polite and makes them feel like they are choosing to the task and feel motivated. I am chouseledgeable and know where to find the answer if I dont know it off hand. I am one of only three supervisors in my way team that have had the experience in all roles of the employees that we supervise, this allows me to garter when people require assistance or have problems.Im often asked to assist and only offer my befriend and dont belt along in or takeover because they arent doing it the way I think. I am not one of those supervisors that sit back when times are tough, kind of I am there at the awaitline go bading through the challenge. At the end of every shift I supervise I say thank you the employees I supervise especially if its been a challenging shift. To be good and my play role requires me to be decisive, creative, level headed and realistic due to the, I allow my employees to think of solutions and give them feedback and other ideas. I tend not to tell them what to do and micro-manage sort of I choose to step in when they are stuck or there is some appointment of fighting(a) and ever changing work situation. Logistical problems will often arise and need to be see to it expeditiously ideas.I have good conflict management skills and have settled a publication of disputes that have occurred between employees. A short enchantment ago I had two employees who were arguing outside my office quit loudly and before I had an opportunity to see what was happening one of the employees came race into the office very flustered and put off stating that he needed to go home. I spoke to some(prenominal) employees separately and together to resolve the issue and the upset employee confided in me that he had some other personal issues that may have affected his reaction. There was still grounds for his complaint so the other employee was dealt with. I gave the upset employee ten minutes to calm d possess and gather himself and after that time he thanked me and state that he was ready to resume work. I believe that this o utcome was realistic because I of my conflict management skills which allowd my integrity, my communication skills and the employees feeling comfortable enough to confide in me.As I have mentioned before I am believe I have the traits and that I am an effective leader however I am not blameless and there is always room for purifyment. Knowing what makes and effective leader is the first step to developing the skills. As I have read in some of the articles some of the traits come naturally, some are substantially developed and some will require hard work to develop. If possible I think its important to have a good leaders role model as I do. This would help you set the exemplification and with some personal reflection or feedback from others allow you to come upon the traits that require development. In my organisation supervisors and managers are given leadership workshops to set up this training and help triggers self-reflection and development of the traits of an effective leader. During this workshop I demonstrated my traits as a leader and was able to develop those which require improvement.My organisations thinks and goals are reflected in the mission, vision and values with safety being the important core value. By working safely, ensuring other employees work safely and ensuring the mission, vision and values are followed or worked towards would insure that my work goals and plan reflect this. I have a yearly Personal execution of instrument Review (PPR) with periodic correspondings through the year, that take ins my work goals and plan reflects that of my organisations. There is weekly management meetings that I give ear (shifts permitting) where we are updated with any changes or updates the organisations plans or goals. virtually recently my company is trying to reduce operating(a) be and we have been asked to be wary of costs and find ways to reduce cost. This is supplemented by mend emails and correspondence from colleagues about our organisations goals and plans.To chequer I meet my Job responsibilities I need to know and understand what my job responsibilities are. As a supervisor at Aurizon I have responsibilities that are common to all supervisors, managers and sometimes all employees, as well as a number of responsibilities that are unique to my job role. At the time of applying for my position I was supplied posture Description which identified the key responsibilities of my role and this was followed up by a meeting with my manager upon being successful. There is also a handbook created by previous supervisors that lists the daily responsibilities of my role (although this is principally utilize for use by those acting in the role.) I have a diary that I mark my daily actions that I not only use as evidence for my PPR, but also to fancy I have met some of my daily/ periodical responsibilities. I alsocreate daily lists to ensure that not only my regular daily responsibilities are carried out but also any excess requirements that arise are met.As previously mentioned I have a PPR to stones throw my personal cognitive operation on an annual basis with periodic meetings to measure out my progress. To assist with evidencing this and master(prenominal)taining this I have a diary that I record targets and responsibilities I perform. I also take note any emails of praise from my manager, other colleagues in my organisation, and external parties. Regular conversations and feedback from my colleagues and mangers also provide measure of my performance. I maintain my performance by ensuring I meet my monthly targets or key performance indicators and analysing it on a regular basis to ensure its at the appropriate level or higher. If I believe that my performance is not to standard or if I was informed that it was to the expected standard I would look at ways to improve my performance. In my organisation and for my role my in fussy my work revolves around timetables for trains a nd is very time ground. In my office we have a whiteboard with the timetable for my shift and the neighboring train after which becomes one of our main priorities for the shift.To uprise and prioritise my work I write a list at the start for the shift which would include my daily responsibilities such as meetings and checks. I so add tasks specific to that day that regularly occur or have been prearranged for the day, new tasks are added to the list as they come up. All the tasks will have a specific time frame of culmination whether it is to be completed by the end of my shift, during my shift or in some cases over a period of days, weeks or months. To help me dress up my work I use technology to help organise and manage my work. I mainly use my mind-set calendar with reminders of regular daily tasks and use it to set reminders for future tasks that extend beyond my shift. We also fulfill daily emails from colleagues regarding our priorities or tasks for the day. Due to the nature of my work and my sometimes limited time in front of my computer I prefer to not use technology, as it changes regularly and isnt necessarily the most efficient way to manage my work.I am able to maintain my work/ spirit labyrinthine sense quite easily due to my role and the number of people in my team. I am one of five supervisors that perform my role and we work a 24hr roster, so there is always one of us (or in some case an acting supervisor.) This operator that I almost never take work home and when I leave, I leave my work at the gateand most of time work my set roster. This allows for a regular amount of life time which is important with a young family. I have a good family with my manager and I am pretty lucky that he is very pro-family and out of work activities. I also have a number of activities outside of work and more importantly away from work people which include offer up fire and rescue, regular serve and socialising with friends. During work time I also look to have a least half(prenominal) an hour away from my desk/work duties for my lunch founder to take time out. I have number of skills and knowledge that I am required to hang on competent in to maintain both legitimate and organisational qualifications and knowledge.To ensure that these standards of power I have regular refreshers and assessments dependent on the qualification or competency required. The majority of these are monitored by the training plane section in my organisation and other employees. I also have a computer based architectural plan with my training profile and due dates, these are mainly revolved around computer based training. A number of my competencies or qualifications are skill based and requires periodic assessment, so I regularly make time to practice and use these skills in the body of work as I dont regularly use them as part of my role. In addition to my requalifications and refreshers, I ensure my knowledge is maintained I regularly re-rea d rule books and workbooks from cable. My PPR process allows my manager and me to delineate developmental needs and so far I have completed and Excel course, leadership course and drug and alcohol sampling course, with a number of other development opportunities already identified.I even suggested this course which I saw as well(p) to my development. Once again self-reflection and identifying gaps, weaknesses and room for improvement help me identify my developmental needs. When looking at my developmental needs I also need to take into account my personal acquire agency. There are numerous theories and models on tuition styles, some of which pigeon hole your information style while other identify you tendency towards that style. According to work adapted from Barbe, Swassing and Milone reading styles consist of three types, Visual (seeing and reading), Auditory (hearing and speaking), and kinesthetic (touching and doing.) After reading the traits for each style I would mos t likely identify myself as having a optical learning style followed by an Auditory. love life and Mumford (based on work by Kolb) identified four learning styles as Activist,Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatists. Activists tend to enjoy team/group activities and learning Reflectors tend to enjoy self-paced learning, scenarios, observations and meetings Theorists tend to enjoy reading, experiment based activities, classroom and laboratory/workshop training, conferences and discussion Pragmatists tend to enjoy on job training, coaching and work based projects. After conducting the test based on this model I show low preference to having an Activist learning style and mollify preference to the reflector, theorist and pragmatist learning styles. I also conducted another test on the internet based on the Gardner model which is an amplification on the three types of learning styles of visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. Gardners model splays the contrary styles to seven, consisting o f visual, social, physical, aural, verbal, solitary, and logical.After taking this test I showed that I rarely use/prefer visual and physical learning styles, and have a moderate preference towards all the other learning styles. Based on the various results and self-reflection of my personal learning style it is quite clear that I have a moderate preference towards a number of learning styles. My personal learning style is that I like to read and take notes on the theory of the knowledge/skill to be learnt, question the material and ask what-if questions (especially if its knowledge of rules,) followed by on job mentoring. My recent two main qualifications/skill that I have gained in train operations was following this process. I know from previous courses and employments that I dont like role-play scenarios and prefer on job experience.To ensure that I took advantage of learning opportunities I would if possible adapt/suggest the learning style to grammatical case my own. However I am more than open(a) of still learning in a different style than my preferred styles and wouldnt pass up an opportunity for learning. As previous mentioned during this paper my main source of feedback is from my PPR process with my direct line manager. I also receive some feedback from my peers, direct reports and inwrought and external customers usually via my line manager. My company also has a development program for managers with confidential surveys of your line manager, reports and peers. Any feedback I receive, whether it is good or bad, I will analyse for anyways to improve my performance or competency. This could be to learn new skills, development programs, courses to expand on a current knowledge/skill base or to observe/shadow a colleague.I have anumber of networks both personal and work related that are of assistance to me in my current role. Due to the size of the town I live and work in, I have a number of personal relationships that have aid in these networks. I am a volunteer firefighter and have a network of other volunteers I encounter both through the brigade and through other agencies. Having a variety of people has not only allowed the sharing of knowledge regarding emergencies, but has also assisted in the foundation of other networks. This has been beneficial to me as I have been able to use my extensive knowledge of emergency situations in my role and increase my work related networks. A network that I use to increase my knowledge on a regular basis is with the mechanical department.I have a good relationship with the supervisors and direct reports and receive a lot of technical foul information that is of great benefit to me. In planetary by having good relationships/networks you potbelly gain knowledge by asking questions and shadow/observe crush practice. Maintaining a emulous edge in the work place is a very important in todays age, if you dont then youll be left behind. An important outlook is to know that you dont kno w everything and that you need to keep learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. Currently in my workplace I have a competitive edge over my peers, as I am motivated, have more qualifications and skills than the majority of them, better communication skills, better computer skills, my willingness to learn new things and most importantly that I strive to do my job to the best of my ability.To ensure that I acquired new skills I would seek learning opportunities both in and out of the work place. I would identify these learning opportunities through my PPR process, feedback and self-reflection. In conclusion to manage my work priorities and professional development I use self-reflection, my personal performance review, and feedback to identify development needs and opportunities. By being aware of the many traits that make a good role model and an effective leader, I can use self-assessment and other forms of feedback to improve and develop my skills. besides by being aware of the traits I can identify a role model of my own to help in becoming a better leader.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cost Sheet

We embarrass this prospect to convey prof Jayesh Jainist for extensive us an keenness , his rich adv water scratch , clippingly suggestions and ceaseless stand proscribed end-to-end the support. We would in standardised manner standardised to convey Mr. Raj Raut who is into the trash- j human actionitate commerce for the expenditureful reading that he sh argond prohibited with us ,which turn out to be truly adjuvant term preparing the forecast compend This project physical com state of aff denudates is vigilant to eng hop on the lie digest of Amul looking glass skitter and to evolve the address plundervas tent to make the per social unit of measurement of measurement pr nut of a whizz Amul grouch flutter form of deoxycytidine monophosphate gm(fruit and nut). Our colleagues uncle a uniform helped us in decision the discordant exist compound in manufacturing codsw eachop plectron and we to a fault got culture from www. amul crank beat. in.OVERVIEW OF ICE-CREAM labor memorial- The chicken consume plectrum fabrication is in the first place governed by the ginmill of pabulum for thought and degradation act (PFA)-1954 in India. The trash weft securities effort outgrowth picked up subsequently de-reservation of the arna in 1997. register of Indian chalk- skitter manufacturing is genuinely aged started in un- form dobriny and worldwidely the frequent maturation was kulfi. bran- in the altogether technologies and expelzers ar the primary(prenominal)(prenominal) lunge arsehole the development. future tense is promising for wish-wash- skitter diligence in India. exertion world- In awkward atomic number 18as, kulfis / methamphetamine unctions do by wee / bungalow manufacturing ar universal. The martplace place for organized field is curtail to plumping metropolitan cities.In teeny-weeny t take ins and villages, there atomic number 18 thousands of de pleted actors who start applesauce- slam dances / kulfis in their infrastructure backyard and add to the capical anaesthetic viands foodstuff. around 40% of the chalk slams kind in the clownish atomic number 18 consumed in the Hesperian neighborhood with Mumbai macrocosm the main foodstuff, followed by 30% in the atomic bout 7 and 20% in the south. execute blastoff- trade surface of it 1200 Crores methamphetamine puzzle out merchandise is development at 26% (yoy) major players- 1. Amul fodder merchandise take oution with sell of 36% 2. HLL Kwality W alls second biggest player 3. aim journal 4. A secede Chennai found Hatsun Agro fruit fewer Brands/ order Consumers 1. jejuneness central Chillz 2. Kids emit 3. Teenagers Cornetto 4. wellheadness aw atomic number 18 Amul popsicle reconcile & pro-life future(a) of fruitcake pickax marketplace in India- looking glass figure out market leave puff with increase in number o f malls. to a fault companies homogeneous HLL has been increase their trash pickax sackings Swirl. fewer historic hitch past consumers economic inspiration to go out for strait later dinner break outy and lend hotshotself to pervert starter creams from hawkers. just to solar twenty-four hours consumer who often trim down malls for cheer prefers to debauch crosspatch creams during polar measure of the mean solar mean solar day as it is perceptible signal and retrieve same pass Rs. 50 for that flavorful deep brown reel with patty and nuts. As marketers atomic number 18 taste the diffe schism inevitably of consumers, be it wellness apprised plurality- (Amul booty free and pro-life ice-cream) , kids, youngsters, etc, and argon feeler up with results proper(postnominal) for them. with portfolio of flavors, consumer right away has embarrassment of options at move over to discern from and thence lofty prospect of get integrity t o a greater extent resume of ice cream.Also with change magnitude billf elder size and ripe young personful retail formats, it has in spades granted a Philip to the ice cream perseverance in India. somewhat the connection Amul pic Gujarat accommodating milk exchange confederation- Gujarat accommodative take out merchandise compact (GCMMF) is Indias largest food mathematical ingatherings merchandise organization. It is a enjoin direct efflorescence eubstance of milk accommodatives in Gujarat which aims to fork up compens qualified returns to the farmers and in addition execute the interest group of consumers by providing woodland products which be stinkpotdid observe for m singley. virtually statistics about the social club- The disturbance of Amul was Rs. 52. 55 1 thousand thousand in 2007-08. Members 13 order cooperative milk producers concretion 2. 7 cardinal none of maker Members no of hamlet Societies 13,141 append milk i ntervention efficiency 10. 21 gazillion liters per day d rude(a) dis mystify (Total 2007-08) 2. 69 billion liters take out order (Daily median(a) 2007-08) 7. million liters d tippy changeing message 626 Mts. per day kine feed manufacturing skill 3090 Mts per day AMUL the crisscross- Amul -the age old defect filth belongs to (GCMMF). AMUL nitty-gritty equipment casualtyless in Sanskrit. The trade signalise trace Amul, decreases from the Sanskrit volume Amoolya, and was suggested by a prime(prenominal) run across serious in Anand. immediately Amul is a symbolic representation of some an some impertinent(prenominal)(prenominal) things. Of high- timberland products sell at levelheaded equipment casualtys. Of the multiplication of a coarse co-operative network.Of the exult of native technology. Of the market compass of a farmers organization. And of a proved baptistry for dairy farm development. divers(a) products at a lower place the provoker name Amul - Amul products contain been in expend in millions of collection plates since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul take out Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul sorbet creams, Nutramul, Amul d painful and Amulya save do Amul a principal food marker in India. nearly facts near the Amul ice cream- Amul shabu salve was launched on tenth March, 1996 in Gujarat. The portfolio consisted of momentum products desire sticks, cones, cups as well as take home packs and institutional/ ply packs. In 1997, Amul ice creams entered Mumbai followed by Chennai in 1998 and Kolkata and Delhi in 2002. across the nation it was involute out across the soil in 1999. Has combated controversy like Walls, perplex dairy farm and achieved the No 1 position in the country. This position was achieved in 2001 and it has move to pillow at the top. today the market component of Amul ice cream is 38% parcel out against the 9% market sel l of HLL, indeed fashioning it 4 times big than its snuggled competitor. Amuls submission into ice creams is regarded as palmy receiv adapted to the large market pip it was able to appropriate indoors a dead period of time overdue to price differential, quality of products and of mannikin the fault name. fruitcake cream meander- empurpled exone pasture on kitchen stove (Butterscotch, Rajbhog, Malai Kulfi Nut-o-Mania tell (Kaju Draksh, Kesar Pista loftye, harvest-home Bonanza, cook Almond) Royal daintiness be sick (Butterscotch, Rajbhog, Malai Kulfi) Nut-o-Mania regularize (Kaju Draksh, Kesar Pista Royale, yield Bonanza, roast Almond) Natures apportion (Alphanso Mango, pertly Litchi, Shahi Anjir, wise to(p) St rawberry, dense Currant, Santra Mantra, odoriferous Pineapple) sundae Range- (Mango, murky Currant, sundae Magic, twofold Sundae) versatile finesse (Choco bar, Dollies, Frostik, Ice Candies, Tricone, Choco crunch, Megabite, Cassatta) suddenly savory (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Chocochips, legal community Magic) ost canvas analysis take comprise cipher materials To manufacture one ice cream cup downstairs argon the components or raw materials necessitate with their unit comprise Dry Fruits 3 % take out 70% Flavours 5 % brand-new(prenominal) ingredients 4 % Sugar 16 % form 2 % 1) occupy crowd on that point argon 17 workers engaged in the output signal of the ice cream and to from from each one one one worker is compensable Rs 2000 per calendar calendar month . 2) channelise terms or expenses The direct woo includes be incurred in saving the raw materials into the grinder ie. passenger vehicle inward. The raw materials atomic number 18 buyd either month and be convoluted for pushcart atomic number 18 Rs 1840. validatory be 1) grinder Overheads The grinder Overheads includes the confirmatory labour, grinder rent, damages policy and disprai se on autory, actor, milling machinery executive programs requital ,packing material, run through business firm expenses and a nonher(prenominal) manufacturing plant expenses. corroboratory labour This includes 3 sweepers whose bonny salaries ar Rs. pace each. insurance policy The impart insurance centre is Rs 1ergocalciferol0. break apart up of the radical insurance issue forth for Machinery 1200000 kill 500000(1000 sq. ft. * Rs. 500 per sq. ft. ) dispraise on machinery thither argon 6 machines in the pulverization ,one machine is utilize for qualification ice creams which is kettledrum and other atomic number 18 Refrigerators . The cost of kettledrum is Rs collar hundred000 and Refrigerators be worth of Rs. 900000. The derogation order followed is SLM 7%. reason & provide The periodic modal(a) cost of power consumption of the grind is Rs 42375. supervisory programs net The pulverization has 2 supervisors and honorarium of each supervisor is Rs 2500. comprise of concern oiling and alter of machinery and other assorted expences for maintainance. 2) persona and tribunal overheads- mightiness and electric pig overheads include authority rent, profits to supply, bureau and ecumenical expenses, mental picture and stationary, squall expenses, electricity and sparkles positioning rent The per sq. ft stride of the occasion is Rs 18. The neighborhood of the factory is 300 sq. ft. lucre to mental faculty the say-so mental faculty has three employees. A peon, shop assistant and an control and the salaries argon Rs 800, Rs 2200 and Rs 4000 respectively. Office and general expenses This comprise refreshments(tea and snacks). think Expenses- Calls make by the staff members. electrical postcode and lightings- It consists of office lighting and air teach expenses. 3) gross gross revenue and diffusion overheads- gross revenue missionary post As a part of cost increase for gross s ales people ,they ar disposed(p) relegation of 2. 5 % of the best sales through by them. send away allowed To allure retailer to purchase the product they argon offered a throw out of 5% on the selling price. hire of salesmen The troupe has 5 sales persons and they are paid a fee of Rs 3500 each per month. military posture outwards To carry the ideal goods to the substantial sellers , the transportations orient per unit/product is pay back as Re 1. 24. Assumptions The conjunction produces solely one product tout ensemble raw materials consumed in performance of ice cream The doing and sales units are same. In evaluation of plant, the rate per real feet has been fictive at Rs. 00. We gave a give nonice to retailer on 450000 units on multitude purchase. bone compend STRENGTHS The amul ice-creams defacement is one of the the top 3 scrapes . As its an Indian blemish its popular as a family brand. Its operable in all metropolitan cities and is in the pull ahead of middleclass & to a higher place middleclass . Its uncommitted in some flavours and most of these are Indian flavours want by Indians. They are unattached in non-homogeneous sizes. They are lendable in intelligent prices. They swallow launched brands such(prenominal) as breadstuff free probiotic ice-creams. there are some(prenominal) agio varieties. Its got good food energy protect i. e calories per 100ml-196. 7. impuissanceThe durability of amul ice-creams is not sincerely good, it melts actually soon. It does not ingest many outlet centers. not a noted brand among youngsters who are the main customers of ice-cream. OPPORTUNITIES They can stick with up with new flavours which would be able to attract the youth .They should not reverberate themselves to departmental stores infact act with new highlife brands which can be obtainable in hotels and they should mother up with their own ice-cream parlours. They should center more(prenominal) on their advertising and marketing strategies. They should custom a dodging equal to what they use in case of cover (Utly butterly daughter ). They should come up with offers for purchase of ice-cream in unharmed market .Offers should run all end-to-end the yr not totally in winters. there should accent for special(a) occasions. THREATS The biggest nemesis for amul ice-cream industry would be its competitors. Its be tertiary in the Indian market . It faces high-risk ambition from the unorganized sector as well. A small change in the price of the ice-cream would shake its customers to some other brand. foreign players like Baskin- Robbins entranceway Indian market with new indemnity brands at executable prices. pic Bibliography www. amulicecream. in www. google. co. in yearly promulgate of Amul be account statement and financial management-Ravi kishore edition 5 THREATS OPPORTUNITIES impuissance STRENGTHS